Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Soaring to New Heights: Hamilton Park Montessori School Middle School Program has Launched!

Over the past year and a half, HPMS has worked tirelessly to create a robust & engaging STEM program for our Middle School students. Progressive, collaborative and project based, this curriculum seamlessly integrates with Montessori philosophy, giving students hands-on experiences to learn, fail and iterate together.
Our yearly weather balloon project is a highlight of the STEM program (and a student fave!). Students build a weather balloon armed with mini cameras, onboard computing and 3D-printed housings and then send it off to space, reaching heights of 120k feet! Then, the data analysis begins so that the process can be fine-tuned for the next voyage.
Check out this film of our maiden voyage, and stay tuned for this year's recap!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Come See What's Growing Here... Six Stories Up.

Challenge: How to share the valuable life lessons and experiences of a great ecology curriculum at an urban school lacking the open space and litter/canine waste control of a private yard?

Hamilton Park Montessori School Solution: Take to the sky! What we lack in acreage, we make up for in height—well above street level, we now have a working vegetable/herb/flower/fruit rooftop garden and apiary that our students get to explore, work in and study all year long. Success!

Students in our Enrichment Program this summer have been digging in the dirt, planting, watering and harvesting... and beaming with pride to watch their seedlings grow and thrive (just like the teachers do watching students evolve over the course of the year). If you are walking by, you can also see our Sunflower Project up against the exterior of our building, just across the street from beautiful Hamilton Park